Hashnode Series: The what and how!

Hashnode Series: The what and how!


0 min read

Hello Awesome Hashnoders, ๐Ÿ‘‹

If you have been reading the She Inspires Series on Hashnode, you must have already noticed that each interview is published on a single thread-like page, well it's called Series.

Some of our amazing users have asked for the "Hashnode Series" feature already and for a few months now, we've been testing it in beta and now we are certain that it is ready to be made public.

We officially introduce you to Hashnode Series!

Hashnode Series allows you to start a sequence of related articles and have them all in one place like the She Inspires Series.

She Inspires Series on Hashnode

Some knowledge cannot be shared in just one article and hence the need of Series where you can write many related articles and have them under one page. You can start a series of articles like: "Demystifying GraphQL", "JavaScript for Beginners", "Let's build 50 ReactNative apps in 50 days" and so much more. Just think of a topic, create a series and start writing.


Using Hashnode series is simple and stress-free, if you're a Hashnoder already, then it will be much easier as you should be familiar with the user interface already.

If you don't have a Hashnode account, create one here

Creating a new series

  • Login to your Hashnode account

Hashnode Profile

  • Click on your profile photo on the header, you will now see the "My Series" in the dropdown list.

Hashnode Profile Dropdown

  • Now you should be on the "My Series" page with all your previous Series listed. If you haven't started a Series before, this page will be empty.

Hashnode Series List

  • Now click on the "Create a new series" button and you'll be redirected to the Series creation page.

Create Series on Hashnode

  • Now enter your series title, description and upload the series cover image

    For best results upload an image that has 800px X 420px dimension.

Create Series on Hashnode

  • Now your series is created successfully and you can start writing

Series Page on Hashnode

How to add articles to your series

You can write a new article and add to a series or add an existing article to the series. Here's how to do both:

How to add new stories on Hashnode

  • Write a new article on Hashnode

  • Before publishing, scroll to the bottom-left section of the page and you'll see a new "Add this post to a series?" section.


  • Select your desired Series and hit the Publish button

You have successfully added the article to the series.

How to add your old stories on Hashnode

  • Locate the already published article and click the horizontal 3-dot button at the bottom-right section of the page to edit the article

  • Scroll to the bottom-left section of the page and you'll see a new "Add this post to a series?" section.


  • Select your desired Series and hit the Save button

You have successfully added the article to the series.


PS: You can go back and change series by following the whole process again and selecting a new series.

We hope you enjoy reading interesting series on Hashnode and start your series too.

Hashnode is one of the fastest-growing networks of software developers with more than 500K+ monthly active developers from 180+ countries worldwide. We are empowering developers to tell their stories and help them grow in their career.

We are committed to make Hashnode a go-to developer community for sharing knowledge, and this is one of the first few steps.
